
Points of You workshop, Saturday, 21st December

By |2019-12-12T10:40:32+01:00Decembar 12th, 2019|News, Radionica|

POINTS OF YOU workshop, Experiential Encounter - NEW YEAR edition (Saturday, 21st December – from 5 to 7 p.m.) Let's meet up in the last edition of Points of You in 2019! Here's a chance for you to sum up and look into the events which have marked this year for you. Would you change anything if you could do it all over again? How would you change things? What have you learnt from all this? Once again, we are going to take you on a magical journey on which you will: speak English for 2 ...čitaj dalje

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POINTS OF YOU workshop; Saturday, 3rd August, 2019 – from 6 to 8 pm

By |2019-07-21T10:37:26+02:00Juli 21st, 2019|News, Radionica|

POINTS OF YOU workshop – Experiential Encounter Saturday, 3rd August – from 6 to 8 p.m. The Lighthouse – kutak za engleski jezik, PC City Passage, Obilićev venac 18-20, lokal 6.4 What are you going to experience in this workshop? being carried back to your childhood through the magical experience of listening to stories taking part in something creative and completely different meeting new people and listening to their stories having people truly listen to what you have to say having loads of fun talking about things that really matter to you for 2 hours getting answers ...čitaj dalje

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POINTS OF YOU workshop – Saturday, 25th May

By |2019-05-12T20:22:55+02:00Maj 12th, 2019|News, Radionica|

A POINTS OF YOU workshop - MY PHOTO ALBUM Saturday, 25th May at 7 p.m. The Lighthouse – kutak za engleski jezik PC City Passage, Obilićev venac 18-20, lokal 6.4 Enter the magical world of Points of You and let us take you through this wonderful experience. In this workshop, you are going to: take a break from everyday life and turn inward take part in a creative process meet new people and hear their stories explore topics that really matter to you share your thoughts and emotions - in English have loads of fun get ...čitaj dalje

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POINTS of YOU workshop

By |2019-03-19T11:10:27+01:00Mart 19th, 2019|News, Radionica|

POINTS OF YOU workshop - Experiential encounter Saturday, 23rd March, 2019 - from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm The Lighthouse – kutak za engleski jezik PC City Passage, Obilićev venac 18-20, lokal 6.4 What are you going to experience in this workshop? • taking part in something creative and completely different • meeting new people and listening to their stories • having people truly listen to what you have to say • having loads of fun • talking about things that really matter to you for 2 hours • being carried back to your childhood through ...čitaj dalje

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Setting Smart Goals workshop

By |2018-08-27T09:56:06+02:00August 25th, 2018|News, Radionica|

SETTING SMART GOALS workshop - subota, 01. 09. 2018. od 17 do 19h (or BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT!) Leto se bliži kraju i dolazi vreme da se posle odmora opet fokusiramo na svoj put. Da bismo bili zaista uspešni i zadovoljni, važno je tu i tamo zastati, preispitati šta mi to radimo i zašto, gde želimo da stignemo i zašto. Da li nam ciljevi koje imamo zaista služe? SETTING SMART GOALS workshop Jasmine Maravić je odlična prilika da se pozabavite ovim pitanjima. Proći ćete kroz niz vođenih pisanih vežbi. Usput ...čitaj dalje

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Radionica – Storytelling

By |2018-08-08T12:28:23+02:00Juli 1st, 2018|News, Radionica|

Inspiraciju za storytellingradionice pronašli smo u činjenici da su priče jedan od najstarijih oblika komunikacije. Priče ostavljaju neizbrisiv trag u nama. Podstiču nas na razmišljanje, inspirišu nas, bude emocije, povezuju nas sa drugima, ali i sa samim sobom. Naše storytelling radionice osmišljene su da probude pripovedača u Vama i daju Vam priliku da ispričate svoju priču. Istovremeno, slušanje tuđih priča staviće Vas u poziciju prisutnog slušaoca. Na nivou učenja jezika, one su prilika da obogatite i produbite svoj vokabular i sistematizujete svoje znanje o strukturama korisnim za efikasno pripovedanje. To su, recimo “narrative tenses” – glagolska vremena koja se u engleskom koriste u pripovedanju/prepričavanju, ili veznici i druge fraze kojima svoju priču činimo slušljivom i zanimljivom.

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