POINTS OF YOU workshop – Experiential encounter

Friday, 19th April, 2019 – from 6 pm to 8 pm

The Lighthouse – kutak za engleski jezik
PC City Passage, Obilićev venac 18-20, lokal 6.4

What are you going to experience in this workshop?

• taking part in something creative and completely different
• meeting new people and listening to their stories
• having people truly listen to what you have to say
• having loads of fun
• talking about things that really matter to you for 2 hours
• being carried back to your childhood through the magical experience of listening to stories

To get the most out of this workshop, you need to have B1 level of English and you need to be able to speak English fluently. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes, because our focus in this workshop is on COMMUNICATION!

Seriously reduced PRICES!
> 1000 dinars for reservations and payment in advance
> 1500 dinars for payment on the day of the workshop

The number of places is limited and you MUST REGISTER for the workshop – you can do so by sending a message at 064 1472 863. Registration is possible by 18th April 2019.

In addition to inspiring music, photographs and stories, there will be snacks, coffee, tea and, of course – plenty of positive energy! Welcome!

By |2019-04-05T21:48:37+02:00April 5th, 2019|News|Comments Off on

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